Dartmouth College A.B.
Indiana University School of Law JD
Past Chair: Family Law Annual ConferenceÂ
(Mass. Bar Association)
Chair, Alimony Summit (MCLE)
Ms. Huettner has had numerous media appearances on various radio talk shows.
Discussions of current events and family law issues on the David Brudnoy Show and the BBC.
Published interviews in Business Week, the Boston Globe, the Cape Cod Times, the Barnstable Patriot, Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly, MBA Today, Lawyers Journal, Harvard Net, and the Eagle Tribune.
Ms. Huettner is a frequent lecturer for both the Mass. Bar Association and MCLE. She is a contributing author to numerous MCLE and MBA publications.
Recent Developments in Family Law
Family Law Trial Practice Techniques
Alimony and Child Support Guidelines
Sophisticated Issues in Family Law Practice
The Law Office of Susan A. Huettner, P.C. is a law firm whose primary focus is Massachusetts family law. Attorney Susan A. Huettner concentrates her practice in litigation matters ranging from divorce, child custody, visitation/parenting matters, child support, alimony, contempt actions and modifications. She is also a certified mediator who can assist parties to a domestic relations action navigate their way toward a successful agreement.
Attorney Huettner is an experienced trial lawyer and is a resolute advocate of her clients’ interests in the often difficult and emotionally-charged arena of family court litigation. Ms. Huettner understands that clients who find themselves caught in the web of domestic relations litigation appreciate an attorney who will carefully explain each step of the process, work with each client as an individual, and dedicate her efforts toward reaching the best result possible. She will schedule regular strategy consultations with each client to review case progress and determine whether alternative dispute resolution, negotiation, or litigation is the best avenue to follow. Her philosophy is to strive toward achieving an outcome that is fair and reasonable with a primary focus upon conserving assets and resources wherever possible.
Attorney Huettner is a graduate of Dartmouth College and the Indiana University School of Law. In addition to her practice, Ms. Huettner is actively involved as a bar leader and an educator with the Massachusetts Bar Association (MBA), where she is currently a member of the Executive Management Board as well as its Regional Delegate for Cape Cod, Nantucket and Martha’s Vineyard. Attorney Huettner has chaired three Section Councils for the Association, including its Family Law, Law Practice Management and General Practice, Solo & Small Firm Section Councils. These Councils work to develop educational programs, monitor and develop legislation, and contribute to legal publications. Attorney Huettner also chaired the Barnstable County Bar Association Family Law Committee for a number of years.
Ms. Huettner is also a member of the Massachusetts Continuing Legal Education (MCLE) Curriculum Advisory Board for family law matters. Ms. Huettner has authored a number of articles and is a frequent lecturer for both MBA and MCLE on topics including: trial advocacy; basic practice techniques; recent developments in family law; child support and custody; cohabitation; domestic violence issues; same-gender marriage; legal aspects of reproductive technology matters; parental surrogacy and adoption practice; complex financial issues in divorce; revisions to the Child Support Guidelines; and the evolving changes in approaches to alimony in Massachusetts.
Among her public activities in behalf of the profession, Ms. Huettner has had numerous media appearances on various radio talk shows, including discussions of current events and family law issues on the David Brudnoy Show and the BBC; and published interviews in Business Week, the Boston Globe, the Cape Cod Times, the Barnstable Patriot, Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly, MBA Today, Lawyers Journal, Harvard Net, and the Eagle Tribune. Ms. Huettner is a Life Fellow of the Massachusetts Bar Foundation and a Sustaining Member of the MBA.

P.O. Box 326, Petersham, MA 01366
Tel: (508) 888-0049
Fax: (508) 888-1566
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